Inglês, perguntado por jsusgsg, 1 ano atrás

1. Add -S or -ES to the verbs

a ) Watch ______
b ) Sing _______
c ) Cook ______
e ) Tidy _______
f ) Swin _______
g ) Study ________
h ) Work ________
i ) Choose _______
j ) Teach ________
k ) Go __________
l ) Care _________
m ) Paint ________
n ) Skate ________
o ) Play _________
p ) Make ________
q ) Speak _______
s ) Wash ________
t ) Cut __________
u ) Help _________
v ) Fly ___________
w ) Come ________
x ) Run __________
y ) Take _________
z ) Like __________
Water ___________
Cry _____________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ingrrryd


a ) Watches

b ) Sings

c ) Cooks

e ) Tidies

f ) Swims

g ) Studies

h ) Works

i ) Chooses

j ) Teaches

k ) Goes

l ) Cares

m ) Paints

n ) Skates

o ) Plays

p ) Makes

q ) Speaks

s ) Washes

t ) Cuts

u ) Helps

v ) Flies

w ) Comes

x ) Runs

y ) Takes

z ) Likes




  • Na 3ª pessoa do singular, na forma afirmativa, o verbo recebe o acréscimo de -s. Ex.: He works (verbo to work).
  • Os verbos terminados em ch, o, ss, sh, x e z recebem -es. Ex.: She kisses (verbo to kiss).
  • Verbos que terminam em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por -ies. Ex.: He tries (verbo to try).

Bons estudos :)

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