ENEM, perguntado por WanessaOLopes615, 3 meses atrás

1 - According to the timeline, when and how did slavery start in the world? 2 - According to the timeline, what is the origin of the word slave? Explain it. 3 - It is said that in 1466, the Portuguese settlers are granted a monopoly on the "new slave trade". If that slave trade in Cape Verde was a new one, which other slave commerce examples are mentioned in the timeline? Specify when they happened, where they were, and who were the people involved in it.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vidinharego

1 - A escravidão já é mencionada Código de Hamurabi da Mesopotâmia, o primeiro registro escrito conhecido, a escravidão já se apresentou de várias formas, como contra prisioneiros de guerra, povos inimigos e raça; A escravidão pode ser amplamente descrita como a propriedade, compra e venda de seres humanos para fins de trabalho forçado e não remunerado.

2 - O termo Slave (escravo) tem origem na palavra "slav" (eslavo). Os eslavos que habitavam grande parte da Europa Oriental, foram tomados como escravos pelos muçulmanos da Espanha durante o século IX DC.

3 - Haviam rotas terrestes pela Europa ou atravessando o continente Africano.

English Version

1 - Slavery is already mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi of Mesopotamia, the first known written record, slavery has already appeared in various forms, such as against prisoners of war, enemy people and race; Slavery can be broadly described as the ownership, buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of forced and unpaid labor.

2 - The term Slave comes from the word "slav". The Slavs, who inhabited much of Eastern Europe, were taken as slaves by the Muslims of Spain during the 9th century CE.

3 - There were terrestrial routes through Europe or across the African continent.


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