Inglês, perguntado por willmengo, 1 ano atrás

1)A: I need a part-time job as soon as possible.
B: You _________ look in the sunday news papers.
They usually have want ads.

a-( ) may
b-( ) can
c-( ) should
d-( ) are able to
e-( ) mustn't

2) A: Look, our boat is sinking!
B:Oh, dear! ______ you swim?
A: Yes, but we won't _____.
There's a life boat on board.

a- ( ) may, might
b- ( ) can, have to
c- ( ) can, may
d- ( ) may, have to
e- ( ) can, might

3) A: I have a problem. My PC won't start and i ______ send this e-mail by noon. ______ i use your computer for just a minute?
B:Of couser!
a- ( ) isn't able to, must
b- ( ) can, may
c- ( ) wasn't able to, may
d- ( ) can, could
e- ( ) have to, could

4) In which of these statements does must express obligation?

a- ( ) There's somebody coming in. It must be my mom.
b- ( ) You mustn't smoke here. Go outside.
c- ( ) He must be a very good student. He always get A's.
d- ( ) I must go right now. I have class in te minutes.
e- ( ) Who must he be? There are lots of people around him.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por andressamarrie
1- Letra C
2- Letra B
3- Letra E
4- Letra B
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