Inglês, perguntado por drimicf1, 3 meses atrás

1. A forma negativa da frase " Jack studied Spanish at school." é *
Jack didn't studied Spanish at school.
Jack didin't study Spanish at school
Jack not studied at school.
Jack didn't study Spanish at school.
2. A forma interrogativa da frase " Carol watched horror film." é *
Did Carol watch horror film?
Did Carol watched horror film?
Carol did watch horror film?
Carol watched horror film?
3. A forma afirmativa da frase " Ana didn't live in New York." é *
Ana lives in New York.
Ana liveed in New York.
Ana live in New York.
Ana lived in New York.
4. O passado dos verbos PLAY - CLOSE - WORRY - STOP é *
played – closeed – worried - stoped
played - closeed - worryed - stopped
played - closed - worried - stopped
plaied - closed - worried – stoped
5. A forma afirmativa da frase " She didn't go to Curitiba last week." é *
She went to Curitiba last week.
She goed to Curitiba last week.
She wented to Curitiba last week.
She go to Curitiba last week.
6. Assinale a alternativa correta que completa cada frase. *
If it rained today, I_________ saty at home.
If it rains today, I ________ stay at home.
If you help me, I________ be so pleased.
If Amanda asked me, I _______ help her.
If it snowed, we _______ stay at home.
If she has enough money, she_________ rent another flat.
If she had enough money, she ________ rent another flat.
If it rained today, I_________ saty at home.
If it rains today, I ________ stay at home.
If you help me, I________ be so pleased.
If Amanda asked me, I _______ help her.
If it snowed, we _______ stay at home.
If she has enough money, she_________ rent another flat.
If she had enough money, she ________ rent another flat.
7. Assinale a alternativa correta que corresponde a seguinte frase: "Se eu tivesse dinheiro, eu viajaria par a Europa." *
If I have money, I will travel to Europe.
If I had money, I would travel to Europe.
If I had money, I will travel to Europe.
If I have money, I would travel to Europe.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por annagabriellabe


1. Jack didn't study Spanish at school → "Didn't" é o auxiliar de negação "don't" no passado simples (Past Simple). Quando ela é usada, o verbo que vem depois (study) fica no tempo presente ao invés do tempo passado (studied).

2. Did Carol watch horror film? → Numa pergunta no Past Simple, usamos o auxiliar "Did" no começo da frase. O verbo seguinte (watch) fica conjugado no presente simples ao invés do passado (watched).

3. Ana lived in New York. → Para transformar essa negativa em afirmativa devemos remover o auxiliar de negação no passado simples "didn't" e conjugar corretamente o verbo "live". Como a frase estava no passado simples, o verbo "live" vai ser conjugado no passado, portanto "lived".

4. Played - Closed - Worried - Stopped. → Para conjugar verbos regulares no passado simples, devemos adicionar -ed no final da palavra. Se a palavra terminar em Y (Worry), devemos remover o Y e adicionar -ied. Caso o verbo termine em consoante+vogal+consoante (Stop) duplica-se a ultima consoante e adiciona-se -ed.

5. She went to Curitiba last week. → Assim como na questão 3, para colocar a frase no afirmativo removemos o didn't e conjugamos o verbo "go" no passado. O verbo "go" é irregular (tem sua própria conjugação), portanto "went" é seu passado simples.

6. a) would

b) will

c) will

d) would

e) would

f) will

g) would

h) would

7. If I had money, I would travel to Europe.

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