Inglês, perguntado por raissafernanda10, 11 meses atrás

1- A forma negativa da frase “I was driving and talking on the phone” é: *
10 pontos
I weren´t talking on the phone and driving.
I wasn´t drive and talking on the phone.
I wasn´t driving and talking on the phone.
I was driving and talking on the phone.
2- Escolha a alternativa correta: *
10 pontos
What was you doing last night?
Were you talking to your friend on the phone?
Was they studying for the test?
They were cooking dinner? APENAS UMA ALTERNATIVA

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Pinxapple


I wasn´t driving and talking on the phone

Was they studying for the test?

Explicação: Para por negação na frase basta apenas por o n't no final do verbo to be.

Quando se faz uma pergunta, sempre começa com o verbo to be

Respondido por lizevangelista006


1 - I wans't driving and talking on the phone

2 - Were you talking to your friend on the phone?


Não sei se a 2 tá certa,_,

raissafernanda10: Esta certinho, Fiz no classroom!!!
lizevangelista006: ok!
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