Inglês, perguntado por Raduu, 11 meses atrás

09. Passe para a forma negativa as orações abaixo:

A) We will be there next week.

B) Bob and Jim will come late.

C) susan will work at home.

D) the boys will play soccer.

10. Write the negative forms. (Will not, won't)

A) Paul will be in São paulo.

B) You will be in the second grade.

C) She will be angry with me.

D) She will wait for you.

E) John will pay his bill.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Hyumin20
A - we won´t be there next week 
(resumindo é so colocar o ´´Won´t´´ no ligar do ´´will``
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