06 - What are the Christmas traditions mentioned at the introduction of the text?
07-What about the Christmas traditions in your Family, what are they? Write FOUR sentences. Responda
Example: In my Family, we usually have a big dinner at my grandma's house.
08 - What happens on December 24th and what do they eat?
09 - Which traditional food does the author speak about at the end?
10 - Which traditional food do you have in your house at Christmas?
Soluções para a tarefa
6. Decorating places with trees, Christmas decorations and paying homage to Jesus, portraying his birth “remaking” him in a Pesebre.
(Decorar lugares com árvores, enfeites de Natal e homenagear Jesus, retratando seu nascimento “refazendo-o” em um Pesebre. )
7. (resposta pessoal)
- In my family, we set up the tree in early December
- At home we have dinner with the family together
- We make hidden friends to exchange gifts
- On the 25th my family will always visit my grandmother
8. They gather their families and dine “cena de nochebuena”. The main food includes Hallacas, a traditional Venezuelan Christmas food. Chicken salad, which is a kind of chicken salad, ham, rice and drink punch.
(Eles reúnem suas famílias e jantam “cena de nochebuena”. A comida principal inclui Hallacas, uma comida tradicional de Natal venezuelana. Salada de frango, que é uma espécie de salada de frango, presunto, arroz e ponche de bebida. )
9. Pan de Jamón
10. (Resposta pessoal)
We always eat rice, chester, salad, wine and mayonnaise or others.
(Sempre comemos arroz, chester, salada, vinho e maionese ou outros. )
Confia na mãe que você vai longe
6-O uso de roupa íntima amarela, comer 12 uvas verdes e caminhar com uma maleta.