Inglês, perguntado por annybeatriz75, 11 meses atrás

06- Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete each sentence. If a relative pronoun is not needed,circle the dash (-)

a) This is Andrew. He's the guy which/ -- I met on vacation in Florida

b) This is the dog that/ who followed me on the beach one day. It turned out to be Andrew's dog. So I guess it was the dog that/ -- introduced us.

c) This is the ticked for the first movie that/who we saw together.

d) This is the necklace who/ that he gave me before I left for home. Andrew is someone which/ who I'm going to keep in touch with​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por supremezinhoxxx

Resposta:      which

Os principais pronomes relativos no inglês são:

which (usado para indicar que uma coisa pertence a outra coisa) - pode ser traduzido por "que".

Fever, which is a typical symptom of flu, needs to be controlled​.

who (que significa "quem", e atribui uma qualidade ao sujeito → relação pessoa - coisa).

My mother, who works in a restaurant, cooks very well.

whose (indica que algo é de alguma pessoa)

The person whose hair is green wants to talk with you.

where (indica lugar)

That's where I broke my fe

marcoscleiton050: resposta e que letra? a,b,c ou d?
ramosdiasrhuann: cara retardado
rvv1066: acho q e A
LeticiaGonzaga17: a) This is Andrew. He's the guy WHICH I met on vacation in Florida

b) This is the dog THAT followed me on the beach one day. It turned out to be Andrew's dog. So I guess it was the dog THAT introduced us.

c) This is the ticked for the first movie THAT we saw together.

d) This is the necklace THAT he gave me before I left for home. Andrew is someone WHO I'm going to keep in touch with​.
LeticiaGonzaga17: @marcoscleiton050 não é de marcar
ANNACLAR4214: uai e agr oq devwmos fazer ?
rainysantos47: Qual é pra fazer
anaclaraguerreiro22: é a letra A
Respondido por cibelleestefani98765


bom tô vendo todo mundo enrolado então vou tentar explicar. tem da letra A,B,C,D então tem os pronomes em cada letra vc vai circular o pronome certo


b)that - that


d)that - Who

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