Inglês, perguntado por aninhaw14, 1 ano atrás

05. Listen to three people talking about their favorite wild
animals. Check (V) the animals they mention and write
their reasons for liking them
( ) zebras
( ) lions
( ) tigers
Golden lion tamarins have beautiful golden pelage
that covers their small body and tail. They live in family
groups of 2 to 8 members. Males help to raise their babies
carrying them on their backs. Golden lion tamarins live
in the trees and eat fruit, flowers, bird eggs, insects and
small animals. They are disappearing along with the forests
where they live because of deforestation, and today there
are only about 1,000 of them living in the forests. The
golden lion tamarin became a national symbol in Brazil
and was printed on R$20 bills,
Why does she like them?
( ) bears
( ) elephants
( ) giraffes
Why does he like them?
pelage: pelagem
males: machos,
raise: criar.
along with: junto com
deforestation: desmatamento,
printed: impresso.
R$20 bills: notas de 20 reais.
( ) snakes
( ) rhinos
( ) giraffes
Why does he like them?​


joaovitordurigam: Aa

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Respondido por joaovitordurigam

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Respondido por leetaeyongnct6

He Liked elephant's

He Liked giraffes

She Likes Lion

espero ter ajudado

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