Inglês, perguntado por walqueniakelly, 4 meses atrás

05. Complete com MANY ou MUCH.
a) She bought____sugar.

b) I have___time.

c) We saw___houses

d) Paul ate____cheese.

e) There are___cars near the school.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sarahaha1411


a)much b)much c)many d)much e)many

Respondido por KarenSouza21


a) She bought many sugar.

b) I have much time.

c) We saw many houses

d) Paul ate much cheese.

e) There are many cars near the school.

espero ter-lhê ajudado, beba água!

KarenSouza21: e) there are many cars near the school **
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