Inglês, perguntado por pp3273068, 8 meses atrás

04- De acordo com o "simple presente" marque um (X) nas frases incorretas:
( ) I play games today.
( ) Carol plays in school.
( ) You like popcorn.
) Daniel likes milk-shake.
( ) They reads a magazine
( ) She reads a newspaper.
( ) We studys at morning.
) The teacher studyies at night.
Bia and Carol go to the cinema. ( ) Paul qoes by bus.
You kiss Mary.
( ) Mary kisses you.
) The cats drink all the milk.
( )it drink water.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ilovemusicgb1822


() I play games today.

() Carol plays in school.

() You like popcorn.

() Daniel likes milk-shake.

(x)They reads a magazine/ They read a magazine.

()  She reads a newspaper.

(x)We studys at morning./ We study at morning.

()The teacher studyies at night./ o verbo ta escrito errado, seria studies.

() Bia and Carol go to the cinema. Paul qoes by bus.

() You kiss Mary.

() Mary kisses you.

(x) The cats drink all the milk./ The cats DRINKS

(x) it drink water.​/ it DRINKS

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