Inglês, perguntado por anajuliacap, 8 meses atrás

04. Circle or underline the correct form, have or has, to complete the sentences. The table may help
(Circule ou sublinhe a forma correta, have ou has, para completar as sentenças. A tabela pode ajudar).
I have
we have
you have
you have
he, she, it has
they have
a) We have/has a room.
f) He have/has time to play with us.
b) They has/have tickets.
9) My mother have/has long hair.
h) He have/has a car.
c) My father has/have a car.
d) It has/have a window.
1) I have/has a modern cell phone.
e) She has/have a lot of friends.
1) You has/have a pretty girlfriend

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavo202192


a) have

f) has


9) has

h) has

c) has

d) has

1) have

e) has

1) have


Está meio confuso mas respondi na ordem que aparece.

anajuliacap: E pq escaneei mas obrigada
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