Inglês, perguntado por brvictorbiel, 11 meses atrás

03 - Com base nas gravuras e no texto coloque TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F) nas opções abaixo. Reescreva as incorretas para torná-las verdadeiras. ( ) Where are they Now?It was an American talk Show tv program. ( ) Ruby hasn’t seen her first-grade teacher for 3 years. ( ) Barbara Henry considered Ruby a wonderful student. ( ) Ruby had a lot of friends at school. ( ) Ruby mentioned that “Her first grade teacher made school fun.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SaaMoon


( V ) Where are they Now?It was an American talk Show tv program.

( F ) Ruby hasn’t seen her first-grade teacher for 3 years. = Ruby hasn't seen her fist-grade teacher for 35 years.

( T ) Barbara Henry considered Ruby a wonderful student.

( F ) Ruby had a lot of friends at school. She didn’t have any friends.

( T ) Ruby mentioned that “Her first grade teacher made school fun.​

Espero ter ajudado<3

marcelo028: salve ze carlos
KalebXbox14: ele pôs V na a e tem mais de 700 corações meu deus
raynan2006: Nossa como ele ousa por V em vez de T? Gente agora não sei se é falsa ou verdadeira! To perdido >:(
mariaeduardaabs1: mds gente 'V' e verdadeiro e 'T' tbm e que
mariaeduardaabs1: 6s ta muito bem no ingles mds
Agathacruz: vlwꨄ︎
loquinhalops: vlw
Ericamartins062com: vlw
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