02 - Connectors are used to join and connect clauses. They express different things.
Join the two pairs of the sentences written below by using and, butbecause or so.
a) John took a bath early in the morning. He had to go to the doctor.
b) The family had dinner very quickly. They wanted to go to the museum.
c) Bella took off her slippers. She went to bed afterwards.
d) Greg didn't want to forget His meeting with Mr. Harris. He put a reminder on his finger.
e) George got an A+ at English. He felt really happy.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Connectors / Linking word
a) John took a bath early in the morning because he had to go to the doctor.
b) The family had dinner very quickly because they wanted to go to the museum.
c) Bella took off her slippers but she went to bed afterwards.
d) Greg didn't want to forget his meeting with Mr. Harris so he put a reminder on his finger.
e) George got an A+ at English and he felt really happy.
⇒⇒ Conjunctions / linking words / connectors >> são palavras que ligam duas partes de uma oração, para que a sentença faça sentido.
I wanted to call you. I don’t have your cellphone number.
Usando a conjunção, as duas frases ficam ligadas:
I wanted to call you but I don’t have your cellphone number.
We can start our class. Anne is here.
We can start our class now that Anne is here.
You won't be late for class. You wake up earlier.
You won't be late for class if you wake up earlier.
The teacher is sick. We will not have English class today.
The teacher is sick and we will not have English class today.
Most common conjunctions
although - apesar de
and - e
because - porque
but - mas
however - entretanto, porém
if - se
since - desde que
or - ou
otherwise - caso contrário, de outra forma
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25518082
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26620236
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26575197
02 - Connectors are used to join and connect clauses. They express different things. Join the two pairs of the sentences written below by using and, but, because or so.
a) John took a bath early in the morning. He had to go to the doctor.
John took a bath early in the morning because he had to go to the doctor.
b) The family had dinner very quickly. They wanted to go to the museum.
The family had dinner very quickly because they wanted to go to the museum.
c) Bella took off her slippers. She went to bed afterwards.
Bella took off her slippers and she went to bed afterwards.
d) Greg didn't want to forget his meeting with Mr. Harris. He put a reminder on his finger.
Greg didn't want to forget his meeting with Mr. Harris so he put a reminder on his finger.
e) George got an A+ at English. He felt really happy.
George got an A+ at English and he felt really happy
Conectivos ou connectors são palavras utilizadas para fazer conexão entre as orações para que haja sentido.
Existem diversos tipos de conectores, sendo os principais de:
- contraste (indica a existência de conceitos ou ideias opostos a algo já apresentado) > but, although, on the other hand, despite;
- causa (indica a existência de uma causa para determinada questão) > because, due to, consequently, for that reason, in turn;
- adição (apresenta uma nova informação ao que já foi exposto) > as well as, besides, moreover, and, not only, furthermore;
- exemplo (fornece exemplos para ilustrar ideias ou conceitos) > such as, for instance, for example;
- consecutivas ou conclusivas (indica o fim de um conceito ou de uma explanação geral, resumir as informações) > once, as a result of, so;
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