Inglês, perguntado por CocozinhoSerelep3, 5 meses atrás

02-A frase: You´re not in the wrong story? * 6 pontos A) está na forma exclamativa. B) apresenta o verbo to be na forma contraída. C) está na forma afirmativa. D) nenhuma das alternativas anteriores.?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MeuNomeEBatata


Apresenta o verbo to be na forma contraída.


You're é contração de you are.

Outros exemplos:


He is - He's.

She is - She's.

It is - It's.

We are - We're.

They are - They're.


He is not - He isn't.

She is not - She isn't.

It is not - It isn't.

You are not - You aren't.

We are not - We aren't.

They are not - They aren't.

CocozinhoSerelep3: Obg ;)
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