Inglês, perguntado por gaefi, 6 meses atrás

01 - What’s the name of the author of the text? Where is she from and where does she live nowadays?
02 - Complete the timeline of Christmas Celebrations in Colombia according to the text.
03 - The author says she hasn’t been able to enjoy something. What is it? Why hasn’t she enjoyed it?
04 - Why does the author say that Christmas in Colombia is a competition of survival?
05 - What happens during the unofficial official start of the Holiday season? What do people do on these days?

(segunda imagem)

06 - What are the Christmas traditions mentioned at the introduction of the text?
07 - What about the Christmas traditions in your Family, what are they? Write FOUR sentences. Responda em INGLÊS.
Example: In my Family, we usually have a big dinner at my grandma’s house.
08 - What happens on December 24th and what do they eat?
09 - Which traditional food does the author speak about at the end?
10 - Which traditional food do you have in your house at Christmas?


pierrealexander021: Alguém responde por favor preciso com urgência

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kimlauraoliveira9



1- O autor se chama Daniela France, nasceu nos Estados Unidos, mas vive na Colômbia.

2- November=mês de preparação e compras.

December 1= começam a por as decorações por todos os lugares.

December 7= Dia de las Velitas

December 16=Primeiro dia da Novena de Aguinaldos

December 24= O último momento antes do Natal

December 31= Ano Novo

3- Enquanto a autora vivia nos Estados Unidos, ela sentia que não estava aproveitando por completo o Natal, mas quando participou do Natal colombiano, ela sentiu que ali era o verdadeiro Natal.

4- Devido a grande quantidade de pessoas que seguem para os mercados e lojas ao mesmo tempo, o período de compras se torna uma luta por sobrevivência.

5- O começo não oficial é iniciado no Dia de las Velitas, caracterizados pelas decorações e inúmeras preparações.

6-O uso de roupa íntima amarela, comer 12 uvas verdes e caminhar com uma maleta.

7- In my family, we usually travel to a relative's house.

In my family, we usually have a dinner at my grandma's house.

In my family, we have a big barbecue at home

In my family, we give gifts.

8- Eles se juntam com suas famílias e comem Hallacas, Ensalada de Gallina, arroz e ponche.

9-Pan de Jamón

10- Tortas

Ana73763457: muito obrigada <33
icaromoreira2003: Vim a procura de cobre, mais encontrei ouro!
magolego: te amo cara <3
ab4068810: Obrigada ❤❤
claricesouza575: krai a braba!!
Respondido por reuabg

For the question 1, the text's author name is Daniela Franco. Daniela is a journalist from Colombia, but she has been living in United States for almost seven years (sete anos) by the date (the text is from 2015, so she might be living in USA for almost 15 years now).

For the question 2, according to the text, we got the following timeline of the Christmas Celebrations in Colombia:

  • Already in December 1st (24 days before Christmas), people start decorating everything. This still do not count as the start of the Christmas season, but is an important part of it.

  • At December 7th, in Colombia occurs the Día de Las Velitas, which is a national holiday where everybody in the country light candles and put in the front of their houses. Despite it's importance, it also does not mark the start of the Chistmas season.

  • At December 16th, the Christmas season has a start with the Novena de Aguinaldos.

  • Until the night of December 24th, every night people stuff themselves by eating all types of dishes, as lechona, buñuelos, and natilla con uvas pasas.

  • After this, at the midnight and after the final novena, everybody open their presentes and celebrate with family and friends.

For the question 3, the author says that she has not been able to enjoy the Holiday Season (the end of the year, which includes the Christmas and the New Year's Eve) in her home country (Colombia) since she has been living in the United States for almost seven years.

For the question 4, the author says that Christmas is a competition of survival because they take the traditions of this time of the year very seriously. In addition, in Colombia they don't celebrate the Thanksgiving (which is one of the most traditional holidays in USA, celebrated in November), what makes November a month of preparation for the Holiday Season that will come in the next month.

For the question 5, the unofficial official date of the Holiday Season happens in December 7th, and it's called Dia de Las Velitas. This day is marked by the fact that everybody in the country is buying sets of candles from vendors placed in every corner in the streets.

These candles are lighted and are put in the front of the houses and in the sidewalks, and this day points that the Holiday Season is about to get started in the next few days.

For the question 6, since Venezuela is mostly Catholical country, the Christmas traditions are based in this religion, like setting the Christmas tree in the houses and public places. There is a representation of the Jesus Christ birth called pesebre, which consists of the animals and people gathered around Jesus in his manger.

For the question 7, some of my family traditions in Christmas are:

  • At the night of December 24th, we have a great dinner with all the relatives gathered.

  • At the night of December 24th as well, we play a game called Amigo Secreto, in which we share gifts with and secret friend.

  • At the morning of Christma's, we give gifts to each other and open them.

  • We have a great lunch in grandma's house in the Christma's day.

For the question 8, on December 24th, at the night, they have a dinner called Cena de Nochebuena (Christmas Dinner), which includes Hallacas (a traditional meat food of Christmas), Ensalada de Galina (chicken salad), Pernil (pork leg), Rice and for drinking, they have Ponche Crema.

After the dinner, the relatives keep talking and hanging on together celebrating this festival date, and waiting for the morning to open the presentes with the kids that are sleeping.

For the question 9, in the end of the text, the author mentions a food called Pan de Jámon (Ham Bread), which is a very important food and he almost forgot to tell. This food only is made during the Christmas time, and in every house and bakery they are present.

For the question 10, in my house, at Christmas, we have Roast Turkey, Christmas Rice, Panetone (which is and sweet bread filled with cristalized fruits), Farofa (that seems like bread crumbs), and for the desserts, we have Pudim, Sweet Rice, Lemon Mousse, among another delicious foods.

Para aprender mais sobre o Natal e outras festividades, acesse,,,,,,,,,

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