Inglês, perguntado por ts715539, 3 meses atrás

01) School always ________for Easter holidays *


Is closing


Was closing.

02) Last year we ______________the Ferry to an Island. *

a( ) Take

b( ) Are taking

c( ) Took

d( ) Were taking

03) My mother and sister______________salads for the table right now. *

a( ) Make

b( ) Are making

c( ) Were making

d( ) Made

04) I ___________about what I wanted to do over Easter vacation, when the EasterBunny arrived. *

a( ) Thought

b( ) Am thinking

c( ) Think

d( ) Was thinking

05) We __________by boat, when we saw a school of dolphins. *

a( ) Travelled

b( ) Travel

c( ) Are travelling

d( ) Were travelling

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mah2727

Opa, boa tarde!

1) School always closes for Easter holidays.

2) Last year we took the Ferry to an Island.

3) My mother and sister are making salads for the table right now.

4) I am thinking about what I wanted to do over Easter vacation, when the EasterBunny arrived.

5) We were travelling by boat, when we saw a school of dolphins.

Espero ter ajudado, qualquer duvida não hesite em perguntar. Bons estudos :D

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