Inglês, perguntado por betosoares920, 4 meses atrás

01 -Preencha em cada caso abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o "Past continuous":
а) Не________TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)

b) My mother______lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
c) They_______hard in their College project. (to work)
d) My father and my little brother_______soccer yesterday.( to play)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Frogster


a. He was watching Tv when his mother arrive

b. My mother was having lunch with her friends last week

c. They were working hard in their College project

d. My father and my little brother were playing soccer yesterday


I, She, He It - Was + Ing

You, we, they - Were + Ing

Espero ter ajudado!

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