Inglês, perguntado por rebecaasilvadeoli, 4 meses atrás

01. Look at the image related to an event in India and choose the correct alternative.
(A) Este é um ingresso para o festival.
(B) Este evento é em um fim de semana
(C) O evento é grátis.
(D) O evento dura uma semana.
(E) O evento oferece arte, artesanato e musica.

Sue’s composition Mexico One of my favorite places for a vacation is Mexico. I really like the weather because it never gets cold there. There people are very nice, too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish! And the food is wonderful. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. And the hotels are not expensive. But you shouldn’t stay only in Mexico City. You should also go to some of the beach resorts, like Acapulco. And you shouldn’t miss the Mayan temples near Mérida.

02. Which sentence below is not true according to the text?
(a) The Mayan temples are in Mexico City.
(b) Sue’s Spanish is not very good.
(c) She likes warm weather.
(d) She thinks there is a lot to see and do in Mexico.
(e) The hotels in Mexico City have accessible prices.

03. Check some types of work volunteer can do and connect them with the areas they

belong to. Mark the correct alternative.

(1) medicine ( ) (re) building places

(2) education ( ) healthcare

(3) environment ( ) teaching

(4) conservation ( ) protecting nature

(A) 4 – 1 – 2 – 3

(B) 4 – 3 – 1 – 2

(C) 1 – 2 – 4 – 3

(D) 3 – 1– 2 – 4

(E) 2 – 3 – 1 – 2

04. Take a look at the sentences and fill in with particles. Choose the correct letter.

a) Jamie is trying to get _______________his fear.

b) When studying abroad it’s very important to get ___________with your new


c) To get your information _______________, speak clearly and confidently.

d) This program is very challenging, if you want to get ___________, you need to do

your best

(A) across – in – along - over

(B) over – across – in - along

(C) along – in – over - across

(D) along – over – in - across

(E) over – along – across – in

05. Choose the option that completes the sentences below.

Patricia has played volleyball since she was 15, _____________?

The man goes to work every day, _______________?

Sandra walked to work this morning, _______________?

(A) isn’t he – doesn’t he – didn’t she

(B) hasn’t she – doesn’t he – didn’t she

(C) didn’t she – don’t he – doesn’t she

(D) has she – isn’t he – don’t she

(E) hasn’t she – isn’t he – didn’t she

06. Read the definition below and mark the correct letter.

“Organizations that focus on social and environmental well- being”

(A) Volunteer

(B) Traveller

(C) Sustainable tourism

(D) Volunteer organizations

(E) Social enterprises

07. Match the columns with the correct phrasal verbs.

(A) find out ( ) to cause something to work by pressing a button.

(B) get along ( ) to rise, stand up

(C) get up ( ) to learn something by making an effort

(D) turn on ( ) to be or remain friendly

(A) D – C – A – B

(B) C – D – A – B

(C) B – D – C – A

(D) D – C – B – A

(E) C – A – D – B

08. Mark the letter of the correct question tag.

The girls danced at the party the whole night. ___________?

(A) didn’t he

(B) don’t they

(C) doesn’t she

(D) didn’t they

(E) aren’t they

09. Mark the letter where the question tag was used correctly.

(A) The girls went to the party yesterday, didn’t she?

(B) Your friends are coming to school, isn’t they?

(C) The boys will play soccer tonight, won’t they?

(D) Michael doesn’t speak English, doesn’t he?

(E) Sandra likes to watch good movies, don’t she?

10. Mark the letter that best completes the sentence below.

“The girls will never ________________ their classmates”

(A) get along with

(B) get across

(C) get over

(D) get in

(E) get up​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mayaravieiraj

1- Alternativa E porque o texto trata de um evento na Índia

2- A única opção incorreta é a A. Os templos não ficam na cidade.

3- Letra C - 1,2,4,3

4- Opção correta é a letra E

Get over significa superar

Get Along - se tornar amigo

Get In - entrar

Get Across - Atravessar

5- Alternativa correta: b)

Para responder esse tipo de questão, bata ficar atento ao sujeito da frase, e completar com a forma verbal utilizada na frase anterior.

6- Letra correta: d)

Essas organizações assumem papéis sociais.

7- Letra a)

A sequência correta é D – C – A – B

8 Letra d)

didn’t they porque trata de plural na forma negativa

9-  c) The boys will play soccer tonight, won’t they?

Plural na forma negativa

10-Letra a) 

get along with significa fazer amizade com alguém

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