01. Indique a oração onde o uso do REFLEXIVE PRONOUN exerce o papel de FUNÇÃO ENFÁTICA:
a. The boys cut themselves in the garden.
b. The old man likes to live by herself.
c. We saw the king himself in the park.
d. We sat by ourselves in a corner.
e. I hurt myself during the game.
Soluções para a tarefa
Reflexive pronouns
a. The boys cut themselves in the garden.
cut themselves >> se machucaram
b. The old man likes to live by himself.
by himself >> sozinho
c. We saw the king himself in the park.
the king himself >> o rei em pessoa / ele mesmo
d. We sat by ourselves in a corner.
by ourselves >> sozinhos
e. I hurt myself during the game.
hurt myself >> me machuquei
Reflexive pronouns - pronomes reflexivos
1. para dar ênfase
They themselves went to London.
they themselves >> eles mesmos / próprios
2. para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho. (precedido de ''by'')
Julie finished the work by herself.
by herself >> sozinha
3. para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou
John hurt himself when he was mowing the grass.
hurt himself >>> se machucou