Inglês, perguntado por msmarilia36, 3 meses atrás

01- Complete the followiny sentences with have/has tô or don't doedn't nave to:

A) James is a smart Guy, he _____ (Study) a Lot!

B) Lorenz and susan live in a really old house, they ________ (buy) a New one.

C) Do you really _________ Speak so fast? I __________ (Write down) every single word!

D) No, you __________ (Write down) every word I say, Just the most important ideas?

E) Oh, Look at the time I _________ (run) or a I' loose the train!

Me ajudem pfvv é urgente​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bahTwT


A) studies.

B) bought.

C) write.

D) write.

E) ran.


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