Inglês, perguntado por gabri10fernand, 1 ano atrás

01) Complete as frases usando o present continuous:
a) What______(you/eat)?
b) Please be quiet. I ____(work).
c) Where_____(she/go)?
d) Jane _____(not/read) a good book
e) Shhhh!! They _____(study)
2) Relacione as frases de acordo com os conselhos.
a) I have a toothache. ( ) You should study hard
b) My friend Paul is very hungry. ( ) She shouldn´t use her car so much
c) I have a test tomorrow. ( ) He should have a sandwich
d) Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. ( ) You should go to the dentist
3) Complete as frases usando MAY, MUST, CAN or COULD
a) Maria _____ speak five languages.
b) When I was Young, I ____ run very fast
c)In the united states, you _____ be 18 to vote
d) Take an umbrella with you. it _____ rain

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kauane2504


3)  a) may
b ) can
c ) must
d ) could
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