Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

01) Complete a forma verbal adequada de forma que fique no PRESENT PERFECT.

a) Peter _________ this film sereval times lately. (see/saw/seed)
b) Mary _________ the cake yesterday. (eat/ate/eaten)
c) The students _________ since they arrived. (studies/studied)
d) I ________ all my money. (spend/spent)
e) He _________ the bus. (miss/missed)
f) We _________ a lot of work. (do/did/done)

02) Modifique as frases a seguir.

a) Jonh has seen his friends. (negative)

b) That woman has ate a lot of. (interrogative)

03) Encontre os erros e corrija.

a) The teacher have visite many countries.

b) Sarah has live there for five years.

c) We has went to London.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafaghn


a - has seen

b - has eaten

c - have studied

d - have spent

e - has missed

f - have done


a) Jonh hasn't seen his friends.

b)  has that woman eaten a lot of? (tu colocou "ate", mas tá errado, o certo é "eaten" particípio do passado de "eat")


a) The teacher has visited many countries.

b) Sarah has lived there for five years.

c) We have gone to London.​

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