Inglês, perguntado por joaorosada, 1 ano atrás

01. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a resposta correta para pergunta:"WHAT DOES SHE WANT FROM ME?" *
4 pontos
She's a very good looking person.
She wants to be alone, I guess.
Perhaps she needs your help.
No one knows where she lives.
Yes, she does.
02. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase: "JOSH ___ SOCCER VERY WELL." *
3 pontos
don't play
doesn't drink
doesn't play
03. Observe o texto a seguir: "Maria___ for a computer company. She___ computer programs. She ___ to Los Angeles every day." Marque a alternativa que preenche na ordem correta os espaços do texto no simple present: *
4 pontos
work - write - go.
writes - gos- workes.
goes - writes - works.
works - writes - goes.
workes - gois - writes.
04. No tempo verbal presente simples, utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar DO ou DOES para formar frases negativas ou interrogativas. Marque a alternativa que utiliza corretamente um desses auxiliares: *
3 pontos
I does collect stamps?
Does not we play cards games.
Do you like cake?
Do she play the piano at home?
He don't reads comics.
Opção 3
05. Marque a alternativa que não está correta conforme o presente simples: *
4 pontos
Marta teachs math very well.
Peter fixes his own car.
They learn Spanish in the afternoon.
She studies with me.
We cook every Sunday.
06. Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase: "___ THEY ___ ECOLOGY?" *
3 pontos
Does - study
Do - study
Do - studies
Does - studies
Are - study
07. Qual é a forma negativa da frase: "JOHN CRIES ALL NIGHT." *
3 pontos
John doesn't cries all night.
John don't cries all night.
John isn't cry all night.
John doesn't cry all night.
John not cries all night.
08. " THEY ___IN THE LAKE": *
3 pontos
don't swim
doesn't swim
aren't swim
doesn't swims
not swims
09. Andy ____ the family car. *
3 pontos
are washing
Nenhuma das alternativa acima
10. John _____ the newspaper at the moment. *
4 pontos
is eating
are smoking
isn't buying
11. Now the sun____ *
4 pontos
am shining
is shine
is shining
12. Assinale a alternativa correta: *
5 pontos
I dance - She cooks - You study - We plays.
He drives - They swims - I stays - She reades.
It sleeps - He cookes - We work - I read.
They play - She cries - He says - I speaks.
You live - They swim - I play - He teaches.
13. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a forma correta de conjugação do presente simples: *
4 pontos
We don't drinks coffee in the morning.
Does she has a big family?
They not speak English.
She watchs TV at home every night.
My parents don't have a car.
14. First I _____, then I dress. *
4 pontos
take a shower
takes a shower
not take a shower
am a shower
taking a shower
15. Olivia ____ her uncle every weekend. *
4 pontos
not visits
not is visiting
aren't visit
doesn't visit
16. Assinale a alternativa incorreta: *
5 pontos
Jason and Mary don't drive downtown.
My brother often eats sandwiches at school.
Penelope doesn't go to school on foot.
I don't sings in the bathroom.
She doesn't teach geography there.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por catarinahpinheiro
01. Perhaps she needs your help.
02. Play
03. works - writes - goes
04. Do you like cake?
05. Não sei essa desculpa
06. Does - study
07. John doesn’t cry all night.
08. don’t swim
09. washes
10. reads
11. is shining
12. You live - They swim - I play - He teaches (não tenho certeza)
13. She watch’s TV at home every night.
14. take a shower
15. visites
16. I don’t sings in the bathroom
Espero que esteja tudo correto :)
Respondido por FelipeLopes486





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