Inglês, perguntado por jeffersonjb0000, 8 meses atrás

TEXTO: Sense & Sensitivity Oct 10, 2013DEAR HARRIETTE: While I was cleaning up my 14-year-old son’s room, I came across his journal, and I learned that he has started smoking cigarettes. Reading another person’s journal is something one should not do. However, my son lives in my house, and I havethe right to know what is going on in his life. Howmy son’s newfound habit? – Distressed Mom, New York City . DEAR DISTRESSED MOM: You absolutely must address the smoking, but you do not have to reveal that you read it in his journal. If your son is smoking cigarettes, it is likelythat his clothing will sometimes smell of it. Remind him of the harmfuleffects of cigarettes on his health. So, your job is to talk straight with himand let him know that you love him too much to allow him to make achoice that will shorten his life. Leia o texto "Sense & Sensitive", com atenção, para responder as questões abaixo.

1- Por que a mãe está desesperada?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

A mãe está desesperada porque leu no diário do filho adolescente que ele começou a fumar cigarros.

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