Inglês, perguntado por gabymaele2404, 6 meses atrás

Pigs on the road

There was an accident on a Chinese motorway. A truck, which was carrying pigs, turned over and then the animals escaped.

The motorway had to be closed because of the pigs. The police had to catch them first. It wasn’t easy because the pigs were pretty fast. But thankfully for the police, the weather was hot and so were the pigs. They hid under the truck to cool down. Then the police caught them easily.


(1126855) O texto narra um acidente com um caminhão de porcos na China. No segundo parágrafo, o autor relata

(a)a imprudência do motorista do caminhão.

(B)a sede e o calor forte sofridos pelos policiais.

(C)o congestionamento resultante do acidente.

(D)o trabalho da polícia na captura dos porcos

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por enzohiroshiokabe

Letra D

o trabalho da polícia na captura dos porcos

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