Inglês, perguntado por estephany1933, 11 meses atrás

estou precisando de uma ajuda no exercicio 4.
o anunciado está assim what are these cities? use the information provided to describe them.

know as the city of music
attracts 5,000,000 tourist a year.

bueno aires
know as paris os south america
attracts 2,5000,000 tourists a year


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vectao
Vienna is the capital of Austria and it is also known as the City of Music , its area is about 414.65km² wich is home for 1,793,667 people and besides the population more 5,000,000 tourists are attracted per year.

Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina and its also known as Paris of the South America , it is the residence for 2,890,151 people in a area of 203km² and attracts 2,500,000 tourists per year
Respondido por victoriassdesa

1) With an area of 414.65km², Vienna hasn't a huge population: 1,793,667 is the current number of people who live there. But the fascinating fact about the city, known as City of Music, is the number of tourists per year: nearly 5,000,000! Really impressive.

2) Buenos Aires has a bigger population: 2,890,151 people, distributed in a smaller area: only 203km². Known as Paris of South America, the city attracts around 2,500,000 tourists each year! This is half the number Vienna attracts, but it's still a great number.

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