Encontre o erro nas frases e corrija-os:
a) Cássia will traveled to Cabo Frio next weekend.
b) You not will go to the cinema.
c) Carla am not going to cook today.
d) Will she studies Mathematics?
e) Are I going to drive well?
f) Jubilene is going run today.
Soluções para a tarefa
a) Cássia will TRAVEL to Cabo Frio next weekend.
b) You WILL NOT go to the cinema.
c) Carla IS not going to cook today.
d) Will she STUDY Mathematics?
e) AM I going to drive well?
f) Jubilene is going TO run today.
a. Cássia will travel to Cabo Frio next weekend
a frase está no futuro mas o verbo "traveled" está no passado
b. You will not go to the cinema
"will" vem antes de "not"
c. Carla is not going to cook today
Carla é o mesmo que "she" e o verbo to be certo é "is" e não "am"
d. Will she study Mathematics?
quando a frase está no futuro (presença de "will"), o verbo volta a sua forma original (to study)
e. Am I going to drive well?
o verbo to be certo do pronome I é "am"
f. Jubilene is going to run today
faltou o "to" depois de "going". Não seria usado se fosse "gonna"