Inglês, perguntado por pikachuamarelo, 5 meses atrás

Complete as frases com os verbos nos parênteses no Simple Furure.

a)Guilherme_____________English this afternoon. (to study)

b)Rayanne_____________volleyball tomorrow. (to play )

c)Jennifer_____________dinner tonight. (to cook)

d)She_____________to Paracuru in the carnival. (to go)

e)Natanael_______________to the barbecue next Saturday. (not to come)

f)Samuel_______________his bike tomorrow. ( not to fix )

g)Lara_______________a cake today. ( to make )

h)_____Débora_____________in December? (to get married)

i)_____Gabriel_____________next Saturday? (to work)

j)_____Laisa_____________ you next Sunday? ( to meet )

k)When______Luciane__________ the dishes ? (to wash)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marciaemiliadascola


a) Guilherme will study english this afternoon

b) Rayanne will play voleitball tomorrow

c) Jennifer will cook dinner tonight ,

d) She will go to Paracuru in the carnival .

e) Natanael won't come to the barbecue next Saturday

f) Samuel won't fix his bike tomorrow

g) Lara will make a cake today

h) Will Debora get married in December ?

i ) Will Gabriel  work next Saturday ?

j) Will Laisa meet you next Sunday ?

k) When will Luciane wash the dishes ?


Respondido por sophiamw
a) will study
b) will play
c) will cook
d) will go
e) will not come
f) will not fix
g) will make
h) is — will married
i) Is — will work
j) Is — will meet
k) is — will wash

sophiamw: eu acho q eh isso
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