Inglês, perguntado por robertoandre1822, 4 meses atrás

- "Amelia__________ (like) her birthday party.", na forma negativa *
10 pontos
did like
didn't like
was like

me ajudeeee​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por claramottaCT

Amelia did not like her birthday

ou então, didn't like

robertoandre1822: qual a resposta,n entendi
claramottaCT: a resposta é didn't like
robertoandre1822: Q7- "George didn't help his mother with the dishes." Qual opção é correta da frase na forma afirmativa? *
10 pontos
George helping his mother with the dishes.
George was help his mother with the dishes.
George helpped his mother with the dishes.
George helped his mother with the dishes.
robertoandre1822: me ajude nessa
claramottaCT: a 1
robertoandre1822: Q5- Observe a figura e responda a pergunta " Did you travel this year?" *
10 pontos
Imagem sem legenda
No, I didn't travel this year.
Yes, I traveled this year.
Yes, i didn't travel this year.
No, I traveled this year.
robertoandre1822: me ajude
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