Inglês, perguntado por lindalvatucolki2018, 1 ano atrás

7-Leia o texto com atenção e marque a informação incorreta sobre Josh. TEXT: Josh is a university student and he is twenty nine years old. Actually, he is older than his sister and his brother. Josh likes to play baseball on weekends and he always plays well - some people say that nobody plays as well as Josh, which means he is the best player in the city. Josh is dating a nice girl and they want to get married as soon as possible. Josh is younger than his girlfriend, but it's not a problem. Josh's girlfriend is one of the most important people in his life and they really like each other. Josh started a business and he is saving money to buy a house. He knows it is not easy but he really believes he'll succeed because he is doing his best.

5 pontos

Josh plays baseball on weekends.

He is a university student .

His girlfriend is younger than Josh.

He is twenty nine years old.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lorena4082


a terceira afirmativa está incorreta


pois no texto tem dizendo que Josh é mais novo que sua namorada mas que isso não é um problema.

Espero ter ajudado

Respondido por bfjw73jdf8e8

alternativa C ou terceira é a correta

espero ter ajudado

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