Inglês, perguntado por leozinxl02, 6 meses atrás

6. Complete a frase com a conjunção correta que está entre parênteses:

1. I wanted to stay longer __________ I was really enjoying the party. (SINCE / BECAUSE OF)
2. Amanda stayed at home ___________ her illness. (AS / DUE TO)
3. __________ it was really cold, I put on my gloves and my hat. (FOR / AS)
4. _________ his great cooking, we love going to dinner at Taka's house. (BECAUSE OF / SINCE)
5. John didn't go to work, _________ his illness. (OWING TO / AS)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por armyiludidalegal


1° Because of

2° Due to

3° For

4° Because of

5° Owing to

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