Inglês, perguntado por carolineguim9907, 1 ano atrás

42With respect to to the Revolutionary Left Movement, which of the following is most supported bythe information in the article?A It tried to expel the Christian Democrats from Salvador Allende's ruling coalition.B At times it acted in accordance with ideas favored by some members of Salvador Allende's government.C As it constituted Chile's most radical party, it tried to take control of Salvador Allende's coalition government by force.D It often killed property owners in order to take their land.E It hoped to foment a nationwide socialist revolution through mass hunger and acts of terrorism.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maarigibson

A alternativa correta é a C.

O “Revolutionary Left Movement” (RLM) era a esquerda radical do Chile na época. Aliados de Allende, achavam que sua movimentação não estava sendo forte ou rápida o suficiente, encorajando o confisco de terras pelo RLM.

Ainda, esse confisco de terras, muitas vezes feito à força e desrespeitando procedimentos legais, instaurou o pânico e medo no país, além de piorar a falta de comida.

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