Inglês, perguntado por allananascismentomot, 1 ano atrás

4- Write a or an in front of the countable nouns and some in front of the uncountable nouns.

1-________ beef 2-________ mango 3-________ milk 4-________ cheese

5-________ tomato 6-________ cookie 7- ________water 8-________ egg

9- ________bread 10-________apple

5- Complete with How much or How many.

1. __________________ money do we need?

2. __________________ cars are we taking?

3. __________________ glasses of wine did you drink?

4. __________________ rice do you want?

5. __________________ CDs are there here?

6- Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) next to the nouns.

( )egg ( )water ( )orange ( )cheese ( )3 apple juice

( ) carrot ( ) butter ( )tuna ( ) 10 potato ( )8 mango​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒  Indefinite article - AN - A

⇒⇒  Countable/Uncountable nouns

4- Write ''a'' or ''an'' in front of the countable nouns and ''some'' in front of the uncountable nouns.

1-  some beef

2-  a mango

3-  some  milk

4- some cheese

5- a tomato

6- a cookie

7- some water

8-  an egg

9- some bread  

10- an apple

5- Complete with ''How much'' or ''How many''.

1. How much money do we need?

2. How many cars are we taking?

3. How many  glasses of wine did you drink?

4. How much rice do you want?

5. How many CDs are there here?

6- Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) next to the nouns.

(C)  egg

(U)  water

(C)  orange

(U)  cheese

(U)  3 apple juice  (juice/suco é incontável - apple/maçã é contável)

(C)  carrot

(U)  butter

(U)  tuna  (tuna/atum é incontável)

(C) 10 potatoes

(C) 8 mangos


⇒⇒  Artigos indefinidos

AN >> usado antes de palavra COM SOM DE VOGAL - um/uma

an egg

an hour

an airplane

an honest man

A  >>  usado antes de palavra COM SOM DE CONSOANTE - um/uma

a car

a girl

a university (tem som de ''y'' e é considerado consoante)

⇒⇒ Uncountable nouns - são substantivos no singular e que precisam de uma unidade de medida (1 copo, 1 xicara, 1 kilo, 1 litro, um pouco, muito)

a cup of coffee

two glasses of milk

some sugar

⇒⇒ Countable nouns - substantivos que têm singular E plural e, por isso, podem ser contatos >> 1, 2, 3, muitos , vários, dezenas, milhares

three cars

four houses

two pencils

many friends

some - alguns / algum / pouco   >> usado antes de substantivos contáveis ou incontáveis.

some cars

some milk

⇒⇒ How much >> quanto ? >> usado apenas com substantivos incontáveis

How much water do you want?

How much time do we have?

⇒⇒ How many >>> quantos ? >> usado apenas com substantivos contáveis

How many boys are playing soccer?

How many cars are parked?

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Artigos indefinidos A - AN



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