Inglês, perguntado por Taytay14, 8 meses atrás

2) Replace each icon ⭐with an expression in the box below to complete the following items

about gender equality. Write the answers in your notebook.

may have . might be must end

a. "(...) all forms of discrimination affecting children ⭐:

b."(...) young people ⭐ deeply influenced by the gender stereotypes (...)"

C. A study published by the US-based National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that

gender bias at primary school * long-term implications for pupils.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bellanochelais


a. "(...) all forms of discrimination affecting children must end

b."(...) young people might be deeply influenced by the gender stereotypes (...)"

c. A study published by the US-based National Bureau of Economic Research suggests that  gender bias at primary school may have long-term implications for pupils.​



May refere-se a possibilidade no presente ou futuro.


Might refere-se a possibilidade no presente ou passado.


Must refere-se a obrigação ou dever.

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