Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 1 ano atrás

1963conly one year and their heal moderang
une in Europe and North America
The Beatles have defiruetly been a landmark forte treet
generation of young people and directly or indire
they have influenced nowadays culture, it was so
example, after the Beatles that the great berries
batween the sexes started to be broken. Men started to
wear more expressive clothes, like flowered shirts ben
bottom trousers and lang har
The Beatles have never accepted prescribed
directions and they have ultimately helped people to find
themselves as individuals. Throughout their career they
remained non-conformists, different from one another
and from anyone else - their sound their appearance
and their free atitude towards life show it
Do you realize that the Beatles have also influenced
Choose the correct alternative.
On the 5th of October 1962,...
a four simple boys from Liverpool formed a band,
b. an industrial band was announced
ca new rock'n'roll compact was announced
d an unknown band went to Liverpool

ndahora: Esse texto está completo? Pois em momento nenhum é citado o que aconteceu em 05/10/1962... '-'
ndahora: E é exatamente a informação que precisamos para responder
Usuário anônimo: não mas vou fazer tirar uma foto só do texto
Usuário anônimo: fiz outra pergunta com o texto completo
Usuário anônimo: você pode me ajudar
Usuário anônimo: ??????

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ndahora


Encontrei o texto em outro lugar.

A resposta certa é "a new rock'n'roll compact was announced". Letra C.


Espero ter ajudado ;)

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