1- Escreva o cumprimento (greeting) adequado para cada ocasião
a) ao encontrar alguém:_____
b) ao ser apresentado para alguém:_____
c) ao se despedir de alguém:_____
2- Sobre o uso do *verb be*, marque a frase que está escrita corretamente
a) Marcos are tired.
b) They is very old.
c) She is very intelligent.
d) I are a good doctor.
3- Complete as senteças a seguir utilizando o verbo *be* adequado.
a) They _____ soccer players.
b) I _____ a student.
c) Brasil_____ in south America.
d) He _____ a boy
e) We _____ friends.
f) You _____ my teacher.
g) She _____ a girl.
h) It _____ my house.
i) I _____ Brazilian.
j) My pencil _____ blue.
4- complete as sentenças utilizando os pronomes demonstrativos adequados *This*, *That*, *These* ou *Those*:
a) _______ is a apple.
b) _______ are cats.
c) _______ is a dog.
d) _______ are pings.
5- relacione as colunas abaixo
a) What`s your name? 1- Bye
b) Hi, Bob! 2- I´m fine, thank you.
c) How are you? 3- Nice to meet you, too.
d) Goodbye. 4- My name is Sandy.
e) See you. 5- Hello, Martha!
f) Nice to meet you. 6- See you later.
5- Passe as frases abaixo que estão na forma afirmativa do verbo *be* para a *forma negativa* e para a *forma interrogativa*.
a) You are a dentist.
b) It is a pretty dog.
c) We are good students.
d) I am a singer.
e) He is beautiful model.
7- A tradução da "frase": Aqueles alunos estãona sala de aula é:
a) This students are in the classroom.
b) That student are in the classroom.
c) Those student are in the classroom.
d) These student is the classroom.
8- preencha a tabela com o *verbo be* para cada sujeito.
Subject Pronouns Verbo to be
I am
9- Ligue o pronome demonstrativo ao seu significado correto.
This Esses, essas (estes, estas).
That Esse, essa (este, esta).
These Aquele, aquela.
Those Aqueles, aquelas.
Soluções para a tarefa
1) a) hi/hello
b) nice to meet you!
c) goodbye/bye bye!
2) alternativa C
3) a) are
b) am
c) is
d) is
e) are
f) are
g) is
h) is
i) am
j) is
4) a) this
b) those/these
c) that
d) these/those
5) a) What's your name? (My name is Sandy)
b) Hi, Bob! (Hello, Martha!)
c) How are you? (I'm fine, thank you!)
d) Goodbye (Bye)
e) See you (See you later)
f) Nice to meet you (Nice to meet you too)
6) a) n: you are not a dentist.
i: are you a dentist?
b) n: it is not a pretty dog.
i: is it a pretty dog?
c) n: we are not good students.
i: are we good students?
d) n: i am not a singer.
i: am i a singer?
e) n: he is not a beutiful model.
i: is he a beautiful model?
7) alternativa C
8) i am
you (are)
he (is)
she (is)
it (is)
we (are)
you (are)
they (are)
9) a) This (esse/essa)
b) That (este/esta)
c) These (aquele/aquela)
d) Those (aqueles/aquelas)